"19. When you offer sacrifice unto Allah, just take your gift of grain, or meat, and lay it on the table of the poor. 20. From it an incense will arise to heaven, which will return to you with blessedness. 21. Tear down you idols; they can hear you not; turn all your sacrificial altars into fuel for the flames. Make human hearts your altars, and burn your sacrifices with the fire of love." Circle 7 Koran, Chapter 8:19-21.
1. There is but one Allah, the author, the creator, the governor of the world; almighty, eternal, and incomprehensible.
2. The sun is not Allah, though his noblest image. He enlighteneth the world with his brightness; his warmth giveth life to the products of the earth. Admire him as the creature, the instrument of Allah, but worship him not.
3. To the one who is supreme, most wise and beneficent, and to Him alone, belong worship, adoration, thanksgiving and praise.
4. Who hath stretched forth the heavens with His hands, who hath described with His finger the courses of stars.
5. Who setteth bounds to the ocean, that it cannot pass; and saith unto the stormy winds: “Be still.”
6. Who shaketh the earth, and the nations tremble; who dareth His lightnings, and the wicked are dismayed.
7. Who calleth forth worlds by the words of His mouth; who smiteth with His arm, and they sink into nothing.
8. O reverence the majesty of the Omnipotent; and tempt not His anger, lest thou be destroyed.
9. The providence of Allah is ever all His works; He ruleth and directeth with infinite wisdom.
10. He hath instituted laws for the government of the world; He hath wonderfully varied them in all beings; and each, by his nature conformeth to His will. Circle 7 Koran, Chapter 35: 1-10.